A few days ago, I completely re-wrote my college essay. It was a writing experience unlike any other: I plopped down on my bed, whipped out my laptop and within a half-hour, I had created a new piece. This new essay was arguably my favorite thing I had ever written. Why?
It was undoubtedly and genuinely me.
In the past, I've really struggled with writing about myself. I still find the whole process pretty uncomfortable. I know a good chunk of this blog is based on my experiences (as I wish) but this college essay felt different than a blog post. I don't ask myself "Who am I?" every time I sit down to write for you all. I just write. I write what I want to write and hope some find meaning in my words.
A college essay is much different. A college essay warrants every seventeen-year-old to come face-to-face with their shadow self, their innermost self. It's funny, really. Our brains aren't fully developed until we're twenty-five and smack in the middle of that process we are asked to explain ourselves from start to finish. We are forced to answer: "Who am I?", "How do I show these schools who I really am when I don't even know myself?"
Unfortunately, I don't have a foolproof method for writing the perfect college essay or the secret truth to discovering your inner self, but I do have a list of 3 (very random) things that have helped me enhance my practice, solidify my plans, and better my mind enough to finally find answers to these questions. I got there eventually and I know you will too.
I apologize in advance: this is a bit of a brain dump, but this is just how my personal journey has been going lately. I'm all over the place and very happy to be here. Here's some advice I have for you.
Tools for personal/professional growth:
1) Self-centering practices. These are a really important part of your personal growth. In a lot of yoga teachings, people say something along the lines of "do what feels good". Take that statement and apply it to your life. Self-centering practices have helped me become comfortable inside my head and happier with my body. To name a few: Meditation, yoga, prayer, and art.
I recently read that meditation is more ambiguous than we think, in that it encompasses any mindless activity that leads you into a calm state. It's not just about sitting down and crossing your legs and suddenly vanishing into an astral realm. This simple fact opened a lot of doors for me. Painting and writing and all sorts of activities can constitute meditation. It's all about, to quote my aunt, "finding your fire". Do what makes you happy.
2) ONLINE RESOURCES!! Alright, this is a HUGE umbrella term and I'm starting to get more career-specific here. Here are some really great resources for performers that I've found:
Maggie Bera, aka @actoraesthetic on Instagram and Spotify. This girl is AWESOME. If you follow my Instagram, you might've noticed me posting pictures of her online classes. Basically, Maggie is an actor, writer, and podcast artist who provides advice and tips to performers in all stages of their personal journies. She offers a few online classes, one being "Prep For Musical Theatre College Auditions (IN 5 STEPS!)". This course has tons of valuable info, including comprehensive school lists, pre-screen advice, building your rep books, and more. It's structured in a way that lets you learn at your own pace and she offers admission into a private Facebook group. As someone who is daunted by the idea (and cost associated with) a professional college prep service or coach, this course hit all the right points. I highly recommend her!
My second online resource: FACEBOOK! This was a very recent discovery made possible by a great friend that I'll talk about momentarily. He informed me that there are two, student-run Facebook groups for prospective (2021) MT and Acting college students. These groups are filled with current BFA students and those wanting to audition. These groups were created to serve as a tool for prospectives to ask questions and get more info. The MT group is "The Search for Elle Woods" and the Acting group is "The Play by Play".
3) People.
This tip is tied to a person, as you'd expect. His name is Ron Weiss.
I've known Ron for all but three years. We were in a few shows together and ended up being in overlapping friend circles afterward. I am now realizing how important our friendship is. Especially as of lately, he has proved to be one of the most powerful resources and colleagues I've ever had. Our relationship transcends friendship in that we are constantly sharing performance resources and being each others' coach. He is the first person I've ever had this kind of relationship with and I want to encourage you all to find people like Ron.
For a long, long time I struggled to make these kinds of friendships with people in the theater/music realm. I was always very shy when it came to a new theater company or a different group and I had a hard time coming in as an outsider. These past few months alone have made me realize how silly this behavior was. One of my directors said to me once, after a year and a half of comprehensive coaching: "I had no idea you were so outgoing and ridiculous. You had me fooled all year."
I never want to hear this again. I want everyone to know the real, genuine me, especially when it comes to theater.
To my point, Ron has made me realize how important it is to have close friends in your field. Especially in theater, where audition rooms can feel like a tank of swimming sharks, it is key to find your people. They are, more likely than not, right under your nose. They will be your greatest assets. Likewise, you will be theirs too. Our community must support itself and each other.
I honestly don't know how to end this one. This was partly my way of compartmentalizing my mind and coming to terms with the encroaching school year. These three random things were parts of my personal journey and perhaps they could be part of yours too.
I'm unbelievably thankful for this time I've had to myself. It hasn't been easy, but I'm thankful. Hopefully, these random tools were worth the read.
This week's #songforthesoul is "we fell in love in october" by girl in red (Happy pride!!). All good vibes with this one.
Thanks and happy reading,